Credit Token

Labuan Credit Token Business

  • A business where a token, being a cheque, card, voucher, stamp, booklet, coupon, form or other document or thing is issued to a customer by the business owner (“Issuer”) , who undertakes that:
  1. Issuer provides cash, goods, or services on credit upon token presentation.; or
  2. Issuer pays a third party for goods or services obtained by customers using the token, and the customer pays the issuer later.
  • This includes, the use of a token to operate a machine provided by the issuer or by a third party shall be regarded as the production of the token to the person providing the machine.

Innovative Financial Services (IFS) framework

  • The Innovative Financial Services (IFS) framework in Labuan IBFC allows applicants to creatively apply for a combination of licenses for preferential tax rates and to achieve specific objectives:
  1. Credit Token license
  2. Labuan payment system license
  3. Labuan Money broker license
  4. Labuan Fund Manager license
  5. Crypto or digital exchange license
  • For example :
  1. Digital credit token license allows tokens issuance for Initial Coin Offering (ICO) listing

Crypto exchange or digital exchange license enables creation of a trading  platform for tokens or digital assets

Licensing  Requirements

Operational Requirements
